So it’s now been a few weeks since my Pro Canon 1DX series camera body died and I’m still reeling over the loss. Yes, I know it’s just a camera body, yes I get it, however this is no cheap and cheerful point-and-shoot camera, this was a professional £5000+ camera body, which I’m hardly ever likely to be able to afford again.
I wouldn’t mind, but this isn’t the first time, a professional piece of Canon equipment, has failed on me, only a few months ago, my EF28-300L series lens also decided to die, and proceeding that my Canon 1V film camera also died as well, and was unrepairable due to the fact that it was 1 year old.
To top that off I also have other 1 series cameras, which have also failed in various ways.
I wouldn’t mind, but I wrap all of the equipment in microfibre cloths and all of it is in mint condition.
Add to the fact that it’s nearly £1000 inspection fee to look at the camera and you realise that if you buy any digital camera from Canon it’s already written off before you turn it on.
This is frankly unacceptable, and Canons response is they just don’t give a shit, go buy another camera.
They are currently brainwashing everyone who’ll listen to throw away all of your current camera equipment and buy a ‘shit ton’ of mirrorless crap, because you can’t possibly take a photo with a camera containing a mirror, as the entire universe will implode.
It works out that every single photograph I have taken with the 1DX series costs approximately £1.50 per photo, so I’ve decided to take the bold move to go back to film, as it’s substantially cheaper. I now have a little Canon A1, and a handful of second-hand manual lenses, plus a Canon EOS 1n to use with the EF lenses I still have that work. 😛

To be honest, I’ve had a blast. B&W film, developing said film at home, trying lenses that cost no more that a tenner, sometimes less than a fiver and not worrying that the whole lot is going to suddenly disappear into a black hole.
Yes, yes, I can hear you scream at the monitor, “But you’re still using Canon equipment” well, after decades of faithful ownership, I have a fair amount of nice legacy equipment. I’m not yet at the point of just abandoning the whole lot in a fit of temper. That would be financially irresponsible.
No, I will use what I have and use it well. I will of course, keep an eye out for a second hand digital body, but it would have to be damn cheap. In the mean time I’ve dug out a couple of point and shoot jobbies for the odd bit of video now and then and shoot film until my anger subsides.
Canon’s lack of any kind of empathy, is honestly what surprises me. I have a Gold level of CPS ownership, and it means absolutely bloody nothing. The money grabbing bastards.
If you’re reading this, go and buy a Nikon camera, the display’s are a unreadable mess, but it will probably work in twenty years, the Canon equipment will all be in landfill.
Yours, mister grumpy bastard.